Catheter's instalation of the central venus

Catheter's instalation of the central venus

CODE: 8821220

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Catheter's instalation of the central venus

  • Are a more effective alternative to tape in helping improve clinical outcomes,
  • Quality of care and economic efficiencies,
  • The  Stabilization Device is a "post and door" design to house the suture wings, along with a "pigtail" pad to retain and organize the catheter lumens,
  • Available in adult and pediatric sizes.

The Stabilization Device in a dressing change kit offers the Stabilization Device with dressing change components which include a mask, blue nitrile gloves,  One-Step solution, measuring tape, transparent dressing, gauze, alcohol swab sticks, label, adhesive strips, and drape. Now it's easier than ever to realize the clinical advantages of the Stabilization Device with the ease of dressing change components in one package.

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